Sunday, April 17, 2005

I just realized that I never made a post regarding the Seattle trip. That's pretty lame of me considering how it turned out to be completely opposite from what I was expecting.
Rebecca ended up not being in our room, which is a great thing because apparantly she spent the whole trip smoking weed and being silly. But I shouldn't go in great detail since it's close to 1:00 am.. So in a very small nutshell, spending time with people that I thought would be hell to get along with ended up being remotely enjoyable. Sure, most of the time I felt awkward talking about make-up and how "hot" certain people are, but I managed. The convention was insanely fun. I didn't learn much in the class I had to take, but I ended up bringing home a superior award in the contest I was in. Great resume/application stuff. And it's hard to explain how reassuring it was to win something, not that it matters overall. But seeing all the ritsy, city-life schmucks with huge cameras and lenses and money flowing out of their asses.. And being awarded something, ah... It was great. I'll have pictures when I stop being so lazy.

I just spent a good half hour desperately searching on a map from mapquest to find where I'm going tomorrow. These damn sheltered middle aged women who live in the boonies of Oregon saying "get on hwy 36 and it's a big brown church, ya can't miss it!"
And by saying that, you've just promised me that I will miss it and feel like a moron when I do. So I hope the weather's nice because the last thing I need is to be stranded out where sheep fuckers exist and ohmygod I'm scaring myself.

I want to start doing those "add a random picture that you took at the end of every post even if it has no significance whatsoever" things.


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