Sunday, April 24, 2005


I went to a funeral today and it was pretty sad. I don't really get upset over the fact that the person's gone but it's usually the parent's memory speeches that gets me emotional. Poor family.

Joann and I went and saw Robots tonight and I'm convinced her and I are on the same brainwave patterns because we chuckled at the hidden sexual innuendos on the theater's "let's entertain you by not entertaining you" clips before the movie without even looking at each other. She thanked me for corrupting her in 3rd grade. Rockin'. Then on the way home we sung along to the Dears, her favorite song, of course, and made complete asses of ourselves. And we also talked about boys and morons and how my car's name should be "hibbidy dibbidy."

Mood = weird = Katy = tired = too lazy to walk down the hallway to the room.

Nick as Guerrmo Vasquez in Jenny's pants.

So in Honors English last trimester we were assigned to do a skit for some project which included at least two books/plays we'd read throughout the course. My group, Nick, Colin (Colon), Jenny (... tull) and I decided that we'd do two skits: One, starring Colin as Maury, Nick as Tom Buchanon, Jenny as some morbidly obese baby and yours truly as Daisy, Tom's wife. And for our second, we acted out our own version of "wake up, san francisco".. Nick and Jenny as the hosts, as generalized as possible, Colin as a serious book writing chump and myself as the author of "Batman and Robin.. The motion picture novel"..

"Well you're just one big honking goose, honk honk!"

Nick ran away after the skits to change and I hunted him down with the clothes in one hand, camera in the other and forced him into the boys bathroom. So I waited outside the bathroom for him to change and noticed a rather large group of preppy jockstrap boys head in through the doors and this had an "insta-giggle!" effect on me. A few seconds later you hear Nick coughing and lowering his voice trying to explain what was going on. It was also just as funny when he came out and asked me how he should pose. Ooohhhh, hilarity.


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