Monday, September 12, 2005

Back by a Popular Demand

Due to Alexa blah blah blahing over me not updating ever, I decided I'd show compassion and give in and update. Love it, embrace it. Congratulations, Alexa, you've succeeded in persuading me.

School's started and aside from being getting sick and unsick and then having my uterus try to come out of places it shouldn't (ahem)... It's been fabulous. My schedule's amazingly relaxing and I'm enjoying my last year here.

I'm also enjoying Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!

Cuteness abounds.

Oh! Good concerts coming up. Sadly, since no one's willing to travel to Portland with me on a Monday night for a show that starts at 9PM, I'll be unable to catch the New Pornographers, siiiiigh. But on the 20th, Joann and I are taking off for Portland to stay at Beth's house and later catching the Arcade Fire. Yes! Saaaadly, I'll miss school the following day. Heh.

The Go! Team's October 24th in Portland, Decemberists November 1st in Eugene, Broken Social Scene's in Portland mid November and I know Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! is at the Wow Hall sometime next month. Exciting!

See, Alexa? This is why I don't talk about any random thing on my mind. It's either political, this country's whack, or concerts. Oh, I'm boring alright.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My Sneezer is Broken

Oy Vey! School starts tomorrow and I have a head cold.

I haven't been sick for almost a year. It's official! I have the best luck in the world . . .

Nevertheless, check out some photos from the past couple of days.

State Fair, anybody?

What the fllama?

So this is the man that won my heart!

Oh screw it. That's enough photos, I'm done. My lips are chapped.