Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jesus Was Everywhere

It seems that I came home from Tucson just in time! There is really nothing more comforting than turning on the news, after twelve hours spent in airports, only to hear about the airline terror levels skyrocketing.

Aside from that, Tucson was fun (and melty). I spent a lot of time doing the things I would normally do back at home: thrive in air conditioned goodness, complain about the weather anyways, relax with friends and set up rather entertaining photos involving a plastic Jesus figurine.

Jesus can be a mother, right? Anyways, Marianne drove us clear out to the La Encantada mall JUST for this photo! What a great person!

Oh my! Sorry, lord.

Then we drove to the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Jesus fit right in.

Jesus! Nice view!

One of my favorite parts had to have been driving around in Marianne's black, sporty, two-seater Mercedes. Jesus enjoyed it too, when he wasn't being held out of the window. (Insert some Michael-Jackson-holding-baby-out-of-window comment that's way overused anyways.)

Scott! Where are your manners?

Rory's holding Jesus up. Look! He's glowing!

I'm not entirely sure what was going on in this photo...

Okay, okay. Now that I've offended every person in the world, how about I post some random storm photos I managed to snap without my tripod?

Because I didn't have a tripod, these photos prove no justice to the insane storm that was going on. In Oregon, it's rare when you actually see lightening bolts touch the ground... I now give you permission to picture me with my camera, standing outside with these bolts of lightening webbing out across the entire sky. Yes, I was a tad bit disheveled.

Had I the proper equipment, there would be a gigantic bolt in this picture, rather than a lit up sky.

Speaking of lit up skies, I have now been hired on to the Passionflower team in downtown Eugene. I wonder if they hired me because I wear a flower in my hair? Regardless, gooooo florists!

And I'm spent.


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