Monday, March 28, 2005

I finally conformed and bought an ipod solely due to the fact that next week, I'm on a train with all the ultra nerdy publicationers to Seattle. The ride itself will probably last, if we're lucky, around 6 hours and I'm staying for three days.

Also, every cliche imaginable exists in the room I'll be staying in:

Sabrina- The class valedictorian. I can't really say much about her since I don't really know her but she's smart and also the newspaper editor.

Rebecca- Miss liberal hippy to the max. She's so laid back and is constantly butting heads with Sabrina up there. She was overjoyed to have me in her room because she knows I wont "rat" on her if she goes out and gets high every so often. I'm already making bets with myself on which day the biggest, baddest fight in the history of the whole wide world will occur!!!--- SABRINA VERSUS REBECCA SMACKDOWN. Ohhhh thank God I'm a photographer.

Mandy- The one, the only.. Fashion guru. Mandy once gave me a serious lecture about how I can't possibly wear my black with white polka dots belt because I don't have a pair of black and white polka dot shoes and
everyone knows that accessories have to always match, of course. She often confuses her lifestyle with Passions or Days of our Lives.

Double also-
Someone informed me today that the rooms only have two beds. I call the floor.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Who would've thought bending over would hurt so bad?

(Insert sexual innuendo laugh here)

First days of work are typically easy and "fun" unless your name happens to be Katy.

I got a call last night to clarify all the things I'd be doing today. I was told to meet this Mike guy at a rest area a few miles outside of the town I live in because I needed training. Training? For what? Picking weeds?

So I showed up at the Oak Grove rest area, to be technical-- South bound, waited ten minutes and then met up with Mike. I followed him around to this storage area and that's where he informed me that picking weeds was only a portion of my job.. But maintaining rest area bathrooms was another.

I cringed and damned every human soul in sight to hell while Mike went through the cleaning procedures. I pretended to be interested and willing to do exactly what he was demonstrating... Remove female products, add toilet paper, sweep/mop/kill odor floors, wash every freaking thing, remove gum and cigarette butts from the bottoms of urinals, de-grafity-itize, wipe off the piss streaks from so-called men who think they're cool. The whole process was definitely degrading. Thank God I didn't actually have to do any of that.

After an hour, we drove over to Eugene and met up at the juvenile center and I was assigned to weed and turn the whole front entrance while the old men rode around on their lawn mowers. I spent two hours essentially alone, crouching down uncomfortably and occasionally, Mike would come rolling around, turn off the engine and say "are you tired yet?".. Chuckle, then drive off. It was alright for the first time, but after eight more I started to feel the teenage angst build up. Teehee.

A couple hours later, I looked up and noticed how divided the sky was. Sunny and happy versus "dooooom to everyone!" So I hurried to my car, put on my raincoat and POW! Downpour. I waddled over to where I was weeding, bent down and BAM! Hailstorm. Tiny hail turned into tolerable hail turned into hail the size of marbles and it lasted for a solid thirty minutes before going back to the standard Oregonized rain. And it continued in that pattern until I went home at 4:00.

Now, I'm wrapped in a blanket with dirt stuck in the tiny wrinkles on my fingers and it's giving me an idea of what I'll look like when I'm old and I can't fully extend either of my arms or grip onto anything. I have blisters inbetween my thumbs and index fingers and I've decided to get a divorce with Oregon. Don't worry, hunny, it's not you, it's me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Tomorrow, I am officially a yard girl.. I get to finish my spring break off with two, three or four 9.5 hour days worth of weeding picking and continue through school working on Saturdays.
This combined with my newspaper internship, school, concerts...

Goodbye, social life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

So now that it's known that I have way too many blogs.. Let's move on.

Dear weather-
I appreciate the fact that you were ultra nice and sunny for nearly three weeks, thank you for that. However, it's completely irritating how you decided to go back to the typical Oregon weather the first day of break. This is simply not acceptable.

Change or face the evil wrath of Katy and her.... Oh, whatever.


Today, Joann, Colin and I played in Corvallis.