Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oy gevalt!

Watching this makes me feel excellent about myself, however, somebody PLEASE make me stop watching it! It gets funnier every time and I really have work to do. Alright, thanks.

My car's growing up. In fact, he grew his first full mustache this afternoon!

After school, Nick, Ben, Colin and I ventured off to Barnes and Noble with our sweatervests and mustaches.

This last photo's from Toys R Us and I'm going to spare anybody who reads this from viewing the others because they are insanely inappropriate.

I think the funniest part of romping around in the store was running into Mrs. Paschelke. Ben was more embarrassed about being seen with a fake mustache than being seen while wearing womens clothing items.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


It was a gorgeous day today. Amber and I sat outside of the Laughing Planet and a hippy man wearing pink pants whistled and smiled while walking past us. I referred to my dinner as a "burlap sack birthing bundles of black bean babies" and had Amber laughing, which progressed to coughing and calling the sickness a "mother fucker!" over and over.

It blows my mind that it's April already. A couple more months and I'm on a new path. I've grown to love the direction that I'm headed in, however, I'd really like to spend time with the people around me now. Any takers?