Saturday, December 24, 2005

'Tis the season

I somehow managed to end up with Nick, Colin and Ben in huxtable/granny (or better yet, Cosby) sweaters, posing flamboyently in all of their holiday glory midday yesterday at Laurel park. The original plan, however, was to shoot for all huxtable sweaters, but of course, Nick couldn't resist the schoolboy approach and those darn feminine sweaters were too tempting for Ben.

Tonight is Christmas crap at my Aunt's house... Tomorrow I'll be headed to New Mexico for Chanukah where I'll probably have internet access, but probably not use it. Until then...


Blogger Unknown said...

So yeah, got a photo printer for christmas and I'm putting together an album/scrap book of our senior year, if you coul send me these pics over email, they'd make a great addition . . . hehehe, hope you're having a good break and I'll see ya later!

8:42 PM  

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