Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hello 90's!

Record breaking 94 degree weather today. I ended up cutting the last half of the day due to our school being poor and not having a/c on in all of the rooms. Chumps.

Neverthelessssss... I ended up getting sunburnt simply from driving around. Oh, fair skin goodness. My friend Tish is in from Mississippi. We were good friends from 4th grade 'till she moved in 8th and it's nice to see her again, though we've both changed a lot. And I've somehow gotten myself in a habit of seeing shitty Americanized mainstream movies more than once. So I took her to go see The Ring 2 (hey, she wanted to see a funny movie) where we ended up talking about how she went nuts and tried to commit suicide. Awkward, sure.

But it's a four day weekend and tomorrow I'm going to sleep in to the maximum and then get up and either go to Peter's house to work on a Spanish project or hang around downtown Eugene while my car goes to the doctors. I work on Saturday, visit with my soon-to-be-planning-funeral-for grandmother on Sunday and then the coast on Monday. Mmm coast.

This is the most disgusting and utterly boring entry I have ever managed to let myself create.



Blogger Katy said...

Haha you're such a caulkface.

5:00 PM  

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