Monday, June 27, 2005

Moments prior!

"Ugh, we're catching time zones. The sun sets and rises back up within an hour and all I want is dark. It feels like I've been here forever. Arrived at the airport at 1:30 and now it is 7:00 and we've only been in the air for half an hour.

I'm so damn hungry. I had coffee while talking with Jenn earlier and these clouds look like Cinnabons!

I'm stuck, smashed against the window, two rows from the very back of the plane and this gigantic lady is stuffed in the middle between myself and this other girl. The arm-rests aren't down, her thighs take up half my seat and my neck and shoulders are awkwardly twisted. She sleeps with her head on my chair with her mouth open, knarly two-hour-old juicy fruit gum breath seeping out. Occassionally she'll lean forward on to the seat in front. She's young and apparantly just got out of rehab. "Sober thirty-six days and I'm goin' home!" She announced to just about everyone in her raspy, stereotypical fat-girl voice. She should've paid for half of my seat since that is all I got. I know it's harsh, but society is harsh and that's that.

Six and a half hours later and we're on the transfer plane to Eugene. It is raining in Seattle and it's such a nice break from humid NYC. I am tired. My neck is sore, I'm uncomfortable. It's 11:00 pm. Turbulance is rough. This plane is small. The girl across the aisle in the other row is clenching her head with her hands and rocking back and forth. The lights are flickering- Hello! I am Tyler Durden! Let's crash this plane, destroy history, let's hit rock bottom!

We have landed. B/O and dreadlocks, birkenstocks and bagels. Hello Eugene."


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