Tuesday, April 26, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, April 25, 2005

Bored times five hundred million point twoooo

It's funny how physics teachers are often insanely stupid.
I had a craptacular weekend full of death and other glorious situations (but not involving homework) and rather than giving me clarification on a lab question and five minutes to correct my errors, he insisted that I turn it in tomorrow as late. Funny, funny.

Pre-calc study session with Colon-o-rama tonight to the maxxximum!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2005


I went to a funeral today and it was pretty sad. I don't really get upset over the fact that the person's gone but it's usually the parent's memory speeches that gets me emotional. Poor family.

Joann and I went and saw Robots tonight and I'm convinced her and I are on the same brainwave patterns because we chuckled at the hidden sexual innuendos on the theater's "let's entertain you by not entertaining you" clips before the movie without even looking at each other. She thanked me for corrupting her in 3rd grade. Rockin'. Then on the way home we sung along to the Dears, her favorite song, of course, and made complete asses of ourselves. And we also talked about boys and morons and how my car's name should be "hibbidy dibbidy."

Mood = weird = Katy = tired = too lazy to walk down the hallway to the room.

Nick as Guerrmo Vasquez in Jenny's pants.

So in Honors English last trimester we were assigned to do a skit for some project which included at least two books/plays we'd read throughout the course. My group, Nick, Colin (Colon), Jenny (... tull) and I decided that we'd do two skits: One, starring Colin as Maury, Nick as Tom Buchanon, Jenny as some morbidly obese baby and yours truly as Daisy, Tom's wife. And for our second, we acted out our own version of "wake up, san francisco".. Nick and Jenny as the hosts, as generalized as possible, Colin as a serious book writing chump and myself as the author of "Batman and Robin.. The motion picture novel"..

"Well you're just one big honking goose, honk honk!"

Nick ran away after the skits to change and I hunted him down with the clothes in one hand, camera in the other and forced him into the boys bathroom. So I waited outside the bathroom for him to change and noticed a rather large group of preppy jockstrap boys head in through the doors and this had an "insta-giggle!" effect on me. A few seconds later you hear Nick coughing and lowering his voice trying to explain what was going on. It was also just as funny when he came out and asked me how he should pose. Ooohhhh, hilarity.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Dear Logic,
Stop being so confusing. I don't appreciate how you FORCE me to stay up until midnight doing everything else imaginable except for studying.

From, Katy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A girl that's been working with my mom's business for a little over a year now died last night. She was on a scholarship fund for work and was left unsupervised at her home for a couple of hours. She had a seizure and swallowed her tongue at the age of 19. It really disgusts me how people considered "normal" will treat ones with disabilities like aliens or dogs or something they don't fucking deserve. And from my experience with growing up around people that were outcasted or homeless or without a family due to the way their face or voice or brain didn't look or sound or function like they should and they're all so beautiful and kind and caring and I've noticed how a good majority of them are smarter than anyone who has the chance to have a proper education or anyone who has a decent home or even not. Some of these people were shipped to a home because their parents were too impatient to have a "child like that" and as kids, they'd cower in fear in their rooms not knowing what happened to their parents or why these people in charge would hit them or rape them or refuse to feed them and consistently leave them helpless. It breaks my fucking heart.

And Meghan had a home, she had a boyfriend and she had a brain that worked right and she was gorgeous and fun to be around but had some personality problems she was working on controlling. Everytime I was around her, she'd grasp onto her right hand that was affected by her cerebal palsy and she'd desperately try to make it look normal. She used to lash out and yell and scream whenever she didn't get her way and it's almost a happy ending with the fact that the day before she died, she handled a situation maturely and was congratulated and reassured that she's doing a lot better. It unnerves me to think what it would've been like for her to die completely alone when someone should've been there by her side.


Tim, quite possibly the coolest.

Making funny faces, rawr!

Aside from the fact that I look insanely creepy, awww!

Yesterday, David, myself and Jimmy. David's hilarious and Jimmy always smells good and is insanely witty.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Oh god, whatever.
The lady ended up calling really early this morning to cancel because it was "raining" outside. And by raining, she must've meant sprinkling because it's really freaking sunny out. Talk about frustrating-- Taking the day off from work to do this and she flakes out three times in a day? Sickening. And it's not the first time she's ever done anything like this but I'm not going to talk about her anymore because she's not wooooorth it. Her and her son will just have to wait until late May for me to take pictures and considering how she needed pictures for his graduation announcements.. Yeah! That sucks!

Humans are weird.

I just realized that I never made a post regarding the Seattle trip. That's pretty lame of me considering how it turned out to be completely opposite from what I was expecting.
Rebecca ended up not being in our room, which is a great thing because apparantly she spent the whole trip smoking weed and being silly. But I shouldn't go in great detail since it's close to 1:00 am.. So in a very small nutshell, spending time with people that I thought would be hell to get along with ended up being remotely enjoyable. Sure, most of the time I felt awkward talking about make-up and how "hot" certain people are, but I managed. The convention was insanely fun. I didn't learn much in the class I had to take, but I ended up bringing home a superior award in the contest I was in. Great resume/application stuff. And it's hard to explain how reassuring it was to win something, not that it matters overall. But seeing all the ritsy, city-life schmucks with huge cameras and lenses and money flowing out of their asses.. And being awarded something, ah... It was great. I'll have pictures when I stop being so lazy.

I just spent a good half hour desperately searching on a map from mapquest to find where I'm going tomorrow. These damn sheltered middle aged women who live in the boonies of Oregon saying "get on hwy 36 and it's a big brown church, ya can't miss it!"
And by saying that, you've just promised me that I will miss it and feel like a moron when I do. So I hope the weather's nice because the last thing I need is to be stranded out where sheep fuckers exist and ohmygod I'm scaring myself.

I want to start doing those "add a random picture that you took at the end of every post even if it has no significance whatsoever" things.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I'm in my Computer Applications 2 class. The only down side about being around computers for an hour is that, because I'm considered advanced compared to everyone else, I have a seperate curriculum than the vast majority of people sitting around. So I'm bored a good majority of the time.

My point? Having so much free time to listen to the new Decemberists cd is absolutely orgasmic.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Forgive me journal, for I have neglected

I don't have anything to say, so essentially this is completely pointless. Random random random. My eyes keep overfocusing, my uterus hurts, the Dears are playing in the background and I'm feeling somewhat good. My mom's recovering, my dad's not, my grandma's a crackhead, my step-grandma's dying from Leu Gehrig's disease and I've been the happiest I've ever been in awhile. Selfish? Maybe.

Worked last weekend. It's really not so bad at all. Had the pleasure of finding 28 needles stashed away behind a Pepsi machine and it was a fairly decent laugh.. But the more I think about it, the more sickening it gets. Someone obviously spent the night there shooting up because no diabetic is going to "hang" for hours at a rest stop.

I'm insanely tired.. I should nap, or get as much sleep as possible considering how I wake up at 3:30 AM tomorrow morning. Ew. I'm now taking bets on when/where the train to Washington's going to de-rail (since it already did...)