Tuesday, March 28, 2006

JCHS on the news.... again

We sure have been getting a lot of attention lately.

Spring break has been wonderful so far. I went in to Corvallis on Monday and had lunch with my mom. Other than that, I've done absolutely nothing except waking up at 7:00 AM and continue to be ridiculously tired for the rest of the day.

I went for a walk earlier this morning and couldn't help but to wonder about when I'm supposed to be taking everyone's* senior photos. So let me know? I'm home tomorrow with the brother, pretty busy on Thursday.. I'm not entirely sure if I'm moustache shopping with the guys on Friday or not, but let's get this done! Please!

Side note: I was thinking about using this photo for mine.

Granted that it'd take a lot of effort convincing my mom that it'd be okay... It's essentially not worth it. Oh well!

I taught Sam the phrase "I'd tap that!" while we were watching Law and Order a couple nights ago and I instructed him to say that whenever an attractive lady was on TV. I get so many kids in trouble all the time (note: Mariah picking nose with french fry 'cause I told her to, Letty putting Sam's underwear on her head 'cause I told her to, etc, etc).

This is further proof that I never have anything interesting to say.

*everyone meaning Sabrina =)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dear everybody

Hi, I'm Katy and I'm a total pushover.

If anybody in the Junction City area wants to be a wonderful pal and stop by the West Wing Office tomorrow after 3:00 PM to keep me company, you'd make me verrrrry happy. I'll be taking photos of Spring sport athletes for the buttons that are only worn by parents ever and I'm sure I'll be there until at least 5:00. Come on! I make a great conversationalist... No?

I'm also doing all of the Mr. Tiger photos. That means Mr. Formal trips on Thursday, boys in suits on Sunday, trips to the hospital.

And senior poll photos! Oh dear god.

What have I gotten myself in to? Wheeeeee.

However, with Spring break being next week, anybody up for making a coast trip? I haven't been in ages!

(Even at the beach, my camera and camerapack never leave my side. Sigh.)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Kids with guns


Ah yes, Junction City's famous yet again.

Further insight--
Fowler was the "victim" in the horrendous fight that made national news. I remember watching blurred out faces of a fight scene on Maury (shut up) and recognizing our school's parking lot.

Also, "the boy" they talk about in the article is the son of a local police officer.

I guess this is the reason why I feel overpowered by morons all the time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Adventures of the shit-eater and puke-monster

Why is it that my family can never have a normal dog? Pete's vomiting all the time because he has motion sickness and Shlomo, the obsessive eater, eats whatever's in sight and ready.. Need I explain any further?

I don't really have anything to add on that-- I just wanted to use that title.

Anyways. Enjoy some visual and audio* evidence of what's been going on in my world the past couple of weeks.

My cousin Mariah came over on Friday.

Colin and I are good friends.

Also, Colin posted a hilarious photo collage of his Dr. Phil mockery.

I think he pulled it off quite well!

(*the audio clips are deleted after 7 days.. Get 'em while they're hot!)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Dear me, stop updating.

Okay, I promise this will be the last update for (probably) another month, but I'd just like to further my dehumanization process with Ben a little more by providing photos for your amusement . As many of you know, the past few weekends have been spent at thrift stores with the Spidells, Colin and Aaron, spending money on ungodly clothes which I've had the pleasure of capturing on film.

I think I've gone too far.
So I've indulged myself with a digital voice recorder (not only for this, but for future interviews) and am looking forward to recording some of the many car ride crack ups conversations. After some brainstorming, the guys and I have decided that in addition to the book of photos we're in the process of making, we'll have a cd that'll go in the back with random recordings of their absurd conversations and maybe some Cyndi Lauper and Wham serenading inbetween. I've also thought of doing some doctor-esque reports of my progress of turning Ben into a homosexual.

This is not funny at all

I feel really terrible about the following list making me chuckle. I clearly lose my sense of humor when my sick head is filled with gross.

You know you're from OREGON if:

1. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
2. "Vacation" means going to Portland for the weekend.
3. You measure distance in hours.
4. You know several people who have hit deer more than once.
5. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
6. You use a down comforter in the summer.
7. Your grandparents drive at 65 mph through a raging rain storm without flinching.
8. You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events.
9. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.
10. You think of the major food groups as elk meat, beer, fish, and berries.
11. You carry jumper cables in your pickup and your wife knows how to use them.
12. There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the Bi-Mart store at any given time.
13. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a raincoat.
14. Driving is better in the winter because almost everybody stays home.
15. You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel pajamas.
16. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still raining, and construction.
17. It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hello, head-cold.

I'm leaving in a few hours to head up to the Monmouth area for the JC boys basketball game and it'd be especially nice if they won... Considering how we wouldn't have school on Thursday and Friday as a result. Oh, the joys of a jocky school.

My lymph nodes are the size of clementines.