Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hello 90's!

Record breaking 94 degree weather today. I ended up cutting the last half of the day due to our school being poor and not having a/c on in all of the rooms. Chumps.

Neverthelessssss... I ended up getting sunburnt simply from driving around. Oh, fair skin goodness. My friend Tish is in from Mississippi. We were good friends from 4th grade 'till she moved in 8th and it's nice to see her again, though we've both changed a lot. And I've somehow gotten myself in a habit of seeing shitty Americanized mainstream movies more than once. So I took her to go see The Ring 2 (hey, she wanted to see a funny movie) where we ended up talking about how she went nuts and tried to commit suicide. Awkward, sure.

But it's a four day weekend and tomorrow I'm going to sleep in to the maximum and then get up and either go to Peter's house to work on a Spanish project or hang around downtown Eugene while my car goes to the doctors. I work on Saturday, visit with my soon-to-be-planning-funeral-for grandmother on Sunday and then the coast on Monday. Mmm coast.

This is the most disgusting and utterly boring entry I have ever managed to let myself create.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

I'm amusing myself by thinking about how exhausted I'm going to be tomorrow morning when I wake up at 6:00 AM for work. Oh, it'll be hilarious!

Today after school, Sabrina came over and we played nerds on our laptops with Photoshop and InDesign. Kyle came over after his baseball practice (lasted 45 minutes ( Oregon weather LOVES spontaneous downpours (and JCHS loves crazy anime conventions (completely irrelevant but that's besides the point..)))).

We watched the Exorcist and laughed a lot and decided that if we don't make one of our famous mocking videos of it, we'd be dubbed idiotic for the rest of our lives. Though I still think my idea of remaking Alien into more of a... ahem... "so the women are the crazy psychotic aliens, you see.. They mention how they don't feel well and then BAM! Fallopian tubes explode out of their stomach and latch onto your face and whoa buddy! Talk about traumatic!"

School is out on the 16th. Psst. Hurry up!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Been busy since the last time I updated, so let's do a little rundown--
May 11th
I finally was able to get more senior pictures in. I had previously tried to meet up with these two boys from Triangle Lake (I think I mentioned it in a different journal entry) but their mom happens to be quite possibly THE MOST flakiest human ever. I realized how naive every person there happened to be.. The mom, Regina enjoyed going up to people's houses, knocking on their door and asking if they had a white wall we could use. And I can't forget to mention her going up to the skaters of my school after they had flipped her off and called her obscene names high schoolers are so infamous for doing.. Anyways.. The boys, Wes and Stormy, pranced around in pink shirts with purple ties, collars up and even agreed to swing on the swing sets (solely for my own amusement).

May 12th
Joann, Bandow and I went to my mom's deli/bakery after school for a late lunch. Bandow is most definitely the best teacher I've had (even though she's really not my teacher for any class..). What's not cool about being able to talk about sluts/stds, tweakers and being religiously obsessed with the Simpsons? Exactly.

May 13th
My birthday! Woo.. hoo! So I'm now officially 17 and people have been telling me it's a good age, I suppose. I didn't do much. Bandow got me flowers, Family got me moolah and Joann gave me a coolie hat. My cousin, mom, brother, Joann and I went to go see a movie I had already seen and I fell asleep around 11:30ish while still in the theater.

May 14th
Oh godddd what a day. It's been awhile since I had been in a terrible mood. Woke up early to go and work and found out I was working with Tweaker John. Yes, the John that's obsessive compulsive over every goddamn detail. We weeded. Ohhhh yesssss! Devils grass plus tweakers does not equal anything relative whatsoever. He spent three hours in one corner of a flowerbed sifting through roots while I worked my way around. It was also 85 degrees out and overcast. 98% humidity and I wanted to be hit by a bus. Right before I was able to go home, my cell phone dropped in the toilet.
Got home and noticed approximately 34328723.322110 cars parked near our house. Aunt, Uncle, other Uncle, Cousin, Cousin's kid, Great Aunt, Great Uncle, parents, spawn of satan and a new couch were there to greet me to wish me a happy birthday. And me in all my cranky goodness headed straight to the shower.
Then I was informed that we were going out into the boonies of Oregon to a "family get together" at my cousin's house. And the make it completely short... It was the more segregated than a middle school dance. Whities on one side of the room and the Mexicans on the other. These little kids under the age of 5 swarmed around me and told me I was saying their name wrong so I went into our car and slept.

Annnnnd now it's Monday. Oh, and I got a laptop. Sony Vaio V505 and I'm satisfied to the max.

Small edit.. But it seems as though I've failed to mention anything about prom which obviously displays it's importance. And that's all.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Faster we get further into May, the less I'll be around. Random Juniors have been confronting me about cover charges for next year's senior portraits which is pretty exciting considering money is good. Speaking of which, I've been asked to take pictures at an E.T. senior banquet for next year's brochures and for their webpage. Things photography based are falling into place.

School on the other hand, has been slightly frustrating. I'm assuming it's the almost-end-of-the-year restlessness even though I get out June 16th. But it should work out fine.

I'm sleepy. I just rode my bike for 30 minutes or so and I'm waiting for the bathroom and I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm meeting a bunch of people at Araceli's for lunch which means a half day of school, thank god. The lady who organizes this is the ultra spiritual, mondo feminist type who is practically my second mom. But that's aside the point.. She arranges this yearly for a Taurus birthday lunch.

Oh yeah!

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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

In class again ladedaladeda. I'm supposed to be working on this PowerPoint presentation but following the rules that are given is sooo zzz.

I read the funniest article today about how researches in Canada proved that parents treat "pretty" children better than their ugly ones. Apparantly there are parents in denial trying to say that it was a bogus study due to lack of acknowledging economical status. Ohhh what a good laugh for the morning.

I'm going to pick up my ticket for the Menomena show tomorrow night at the Wow. I'm not as excited as I would've been if someone was going with me but people are pretty backed up with AP exams. Oh well, it still should be a good show. I'll have a picture or two to show.

I'm convinced there's a guy behind me sniffling.. Even though I'm sitting in the last row. I need more sleep.

Monday, May 02, 2005

What's not funny about an ovary?

I should've gone to a fun concert with some friends on Saturday night after work (which was boring but goodish (save the fact that my hands were covered with slivers (gee, I love parenthesis))) but instead, I spent the night at my Uncle's filthy trailer in the middle of the most slum-ish neighborhood I've ever been to in my life.. Watching drunk and obnoxious relatives. Ohhhh it's inspiring to never drink alcohol in my life. Completely pathetic, actually.

My twenty year old cousin and I were having a conversation (while I was driving her four year old daughter back to my Aunt's house) about how she dropped out of school when she was 11 years old. That was the year she first had alcohol and weed. When she was 12, shrooms. On her 13th birthday, acid. And for her 14th, she tried meth and stayed on that for several years.. Had a kid, had her taken away and now she's clean and has her daughter back and it's frightening to think about how so much has happened in her life already. It makes me wonder where the hell I came from.

Other than that, everything's been remotely normal.

Dear menstruation cycle-
This is a conspiracy!!

Hurry it on up!! Cramps and tampons galore are not my idea of a good time during prom.

You have three days.
